The newly established HEiKA-STAR funding programme aims to strengthen sustainable research cooperation between KIT and HD University. The programme focuses on the funding of new joint research fields that will connect the two partner universities in the long term.
As part of the first call for proposals, the first three HEiKA-STARs were selected to receive funding:
DELight Demonstrator: Technological proof-of-concept and sensitivity studies for a new dark matter experiment
Speakers Uni HD: Belina von Krosigk (KIP), Christian Enss (KIP) || Speakers KIT: Sebastian Kempf (IMS), Markus Klute (ETP), Kathrin Valerius (IAP)
[DEUsAroMet] All-Metal Aromaticity: Definition, Evidence, Use
Speakers Uni HD: Lutz Greb (ACI), Rüdiger Klingeler (KIP) || Speakers KIT: Stefanie Dehnen (INT), Florian Weigend (IQMT)
PACO Physical Activity and Cognition in Middle and Late Adulthood: Insights from National Cohort Studies and Mobile Sensing Using Machine Learning
Speakers Uni HD: Cornelia Wrzus (NAR, Psychologisches Institut), Simon Steib (ISSW) || Speakers KIT: Ulrich Ebner-Priemer (IfSS), Michael Beigl (LS für Pervasive Computing Systems), Rainer Stiefelhagen (IAR)