Both the University of Heidelberg and the KIT are conducting research on sustainable resource management in Chile. So far, these activities have been carried out separately from each other and from discipline-specific perspectives. Complementary expertise is now to be brought together in a joint HEiKA research project. The aim of the project is to anchor the topic of resource efficiency at regional level and to make it accessible to empirical studies. Eco-Industrial-Regions" (EIR) are identified, in which regional stakeholders organize themselves jointly in order to increase economies of scale and scope of resource efficiency.
Three research interests structure the project: Firstly, resource flows and potentials for increasing resource efficiency are quantitatively recorded in the selected EIR. Secondly, regional network actors are identified and analyzed with regard to their role as bearers of specific knowledge in governance processes of resource efficiency. Thirdly, the analytical perspective of governance is applied to be able to analyze different interlinked interaction-spaces on the regional scale and thus be able to identify control elements for the evaluation and improvement of coordinated projects of regional resource efficiency.
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