As part of the German science system, the University of Heidelberg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are facing growing challenges in regional, national, European and global context. HEiKA is a strategic answer to these growing challenges.
Within the Heidelberg Karlsruhe Strategic Partnership - HEiKA, KIT and the University of Heidelberg are working even closer together in the strategically important areas of research, promotion of young talent, teaching and innovation. The framework for HEiKA is thus much broader than before and includes all bilateral activities of the two partners. This with the vision to create a unique research and development area with national unique position and international visibility through the strategic cooperation.
With HEiKA, the successes already achieved in joint research will be further developed and the development of common research interests will be pursued sustainably, in order to achieve a critical mass for cutting-edge international research in seminal fields of work. Joint Start-up Projects are just as much a part of HEiKA's portfolio as the medium-term collaboration in research networks or the establishment of joint research institutes.
HEiKA realizes the synergistic promotion of young scientists from the beginning of their doctorate through to the qualifying postdoc phases. From joint graduate programs / graduate schools, continuing education programs and career planning measures to the mutual access to scientific expertise and infrastructure, young scientists HEiKA offers a privileged spectrum of individual and general career development.
HEiKA is driving forward the establishment of joint study programs and study modules in complementary key fields of both partners. For students, this offers excellent research-oriented study opportunities.
With HEiKA, the University of Heidelberg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will be able to pursue innovation and transfer even more closely together in the future. Existing research platforms, such as the application-oriented InnovationLab, which KIT and the University of Heidelberg run together with companies and whose focus is on technology transfer, are exemplary for other forms of cooperation between HEiKA partners.