The 3rd SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling” will take place in the Studio Villa Bosch in Heidelberg on 7 - 9 May 2025.
The aim of this third workshop is once again to bring together scientists who are working in this dynamic field to share their research results and to discuss the current challenges in an informal atmosphere.
Registration is open until 31 March 2025.
Register here
Confirmed speakers
• Matteo Dal Peraro, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
• Arne Elofsson, Stockholm University, Sweden
• Shirin Faraji, University of Duesseldorf, Germany
• Stefan Grimme, University of Bonn, Germany
• Johannes Kaestner, University of Stuttgart, Germany
• Sandra Luber. University of Zurich, Switzerland
• Antonia Mey, University of Edinburgh, UK
• Carolin Mueller, University of Erlangen, Germany
• Modesto Orozco, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Barcelona, Spain
• Elsa Sanchez Garcia, TU Dortmund University
• Lukas Stelzl, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
More Information
Please register fast to participate and to submit abstracts for contributed talks or posters by 31 March 2025.
Studio Villa Bosch Heidelberg, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, 69118 Heidelberg
+49 6221 533 329
Organizing Committee
Rebecca Wade (HITS), Marcus Elstner (KIT), Tristan Bereau (Heidelberg University), Pascal Friederich (KIT), David Hoffmann (KIT), Rostislav Fedorov (HITS), Daniel Sucerquia (HITS), Jonathan Teuffel (HITS).
SIMPLAIX is a cooperation between the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University, focussed on bridging scales from (bio)molecules to molecular materials by multiscale simulation and machine learning ( RTG 2450 is a DFG-funded research graduate school at KIT on “Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience” (
The Third SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling” is jointly organized by SIMPLAIX and the RTG 2450.