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The HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials is integral part of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter made to Order (3DMM2O), which is a collaboration of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). It pursues an interdisciplinary approach through conjunction of natural, engineering and sciences.
3DMM2O establishes scalable digital 3D Additive Manufacturing transcending from the molecular to the macroscopic scale. The goal is the ultimate digitalization of 3D manufacturing and material processing. The cluster 3D Matter Made to Order consists of 33 Principal Investigators from the natural, engineering and life sciences.
Visit the Graduate Schools website to learn more!
Please note that the Application Portal of the HEiKA Graduate School on "Functional Materials" is open regardless of positions currently advertised on this site.
The call for MSc Scholarships
is currently inactive since all grants are awarded.
Scope of the MSc Scholarship
The qualification of outstanding MSc students (f/m/d) who want to pursue a PhD within the scope of the 3DMM2O Cluster. The vision of the Cluster is to realize and apply digital 3D additive manufacturing techniques on all scales - from the molecular to the micrometer and nanometer scale to macroscopic dimensions.
The scholarship amounts to 800 € / month for international and national MSc students.
The scholarship is awarded for 12 months.
The call for Doctoral Scholarships
is currently inactive since all grants are awarded.
Scope of the Doctoral Scholarship
The preparation of a doctoral thesis in the thematic fields of the Cluster. The vision of the Cluster is to realize and apply digital 3D additive manufacturing techniques on all scales - from the molecular to the micrometer and nanometer scale to macroscopic dimensions.
The scholarship amounts to 1.468 Euro / month for international and national PhD students.
The scholarship is awarded for 36 months.