KIT and Heidelberg University successful in the Cluster of Excellence funding line
Both, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University, have succeeded in attracting two of their proposed Clusters of Excellence, as part of the Excellence Strategy of the state and the federal governments. Thus, both universities have taken an important hurdle and are now entitled to compete again for the status of "universities of excellence". From HEiKA's point of view, it is particularly pleasing that one of the jointly applied clusters could also be successfully acquired.
The jointly proposed cluster "3D Matter Made to Order" is amongst the successful initiatives that have been approved for funding by the Comittee of Experts on September 27, 2018 in Bonn.
The cluster, which is rooted in three out of six HEiKA research bridges (in particular AIP, FM and SB), pursues a highly interdisciplinary approach that combines natural and engineering sciences, focusing on three-dimensional additive manufacturing techniques from molecular to macroscopic dimensions. "3D Matter Made to Order", like the other newly selected Cluster of Excellence, will be funded from January 2019 for seven years.
Congratulations again to all the scientists and employees who are involved in this success!