HEiKAexplore supports and fosters strategically new joint activities in the areas of research, teaching, innovation and promoting young researchers.

HEiKA wants to build up and expand new interdisciplinary networks and alliances between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). These networks are thematically open, but should pursue the clear goal of jointly participating in the funding instruments of the various national and international funding providers.
The funding from HEiKAexplore should take effect at various levels. Networks whose interdisciplinary communities are still in the starting phase (finding), could also be funded, as well as already established interdisciplinary networks, who for example, are about to submit an application. However, all initiatives should have the clear objective of deepening and structurally anchoring their cooperation within the fields of research, teaching, innovation or promoting young talent.
Common goals within these fields could be, for example:
- Research: Preparing an application for a DFG research group, a Transregio SFB or similar; establishment of a joint real laboratory, exploration of a new possible initiative for the next call for clusters of excellence.etc.
- Innovation: Establishing new common innovation formats or a common BMBF Zukunftscluster (clusters 4 future) etc.
- Teaching: Conception and introduction of a new joint course of study / joint study modules etc.
- Promotion of young researchers: Establishing new bridges in the promotion of young talent, such as graduate schools etc.
For the time being, the call for applications will be made annually, always in spring, and will be disseminated via e-mail circular and online.
If you are interested in being registered in our e-mail list, simply send us an email to info@heika-research.de.